Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Savasana Day 1 of Six

Last night, at 8pm, I gave my kids a timer. I set it for 25 minutes and told them not to disturb me until the timer went off.
In hindsight, I should have set it for longer because it took me longer than 5 minutes to set it up and because after 20 minutes I was only beginning to get relaxed.
I think it might have been the sloppiest savasana set up ever, as I still have trouble with the head setup. I will review and work on it tonight. As I laid my stiff parts down, I felt my whole body sink into the much needed rest. Thinking of the pose as kind of a Disk Cleanse, helped me not judge the stream of thoughts that passed through as I recognized them as merley scanning all the stored files in my mind. When I noticed the scan, I turned my attention to my breath and relaxing each part of my body. I think I kind of did a lot in the area of my heads and feet but kept getting distracted by the time I would get to my mid-body.
All in all, it was very relaxing despite the random tumbling and screaming sounds coming from downstairs. As soon as I heard the bell go off, I heard the kids scream "YAY! We can go disturb Mommy now!" So they came running up to tell me the "Shivanthing is over!"
20 minutes was not enough.

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